About St. Joseph County Road Commission, Centreville, Michigan
St. Joseph County has approximately 521 square miles with a population of 62,000 people. Within St. Joseph County public road system there are 832.61 miles of paved roads and 185.27 miles that are graveled. The St. Joseph County Road Commission has the responsibility for the construction and maintenance of all 1017.88 miles of these public roads and the 101 bridges located within the road system. The county is approximately 24 miles wide by 22 miles deep with the headquarters situated in the middle of the county in Centreville. At the direction of the townships, the Road Commission also constructs and improves county local roads.
Major trunk lines, maintained by MDOT, include US-12, M-60, M-66, M-86, M-103, M-216, and US-131.
The work of the St. Joseph County Road Commission includes not only snow removal and road repair, but also the upgrading and building of new and existing roads to current standards.
History Still Stands In Rural America
St. Joseph County is comprised of sixteen townships. The St. Joseph County Road Commission is responsible for the reconstruction and maintenance of primary roads along with the maintenance of local roads. The Townships collaborate with the Road Commission on a contractual basis for the reconstruction of local roads and local road improvements done by the St. Joseph County Road Commission. In 2014, St. Joseph County voters passed a ten (10) year renewal of a countywide road millage of 1 mill, which is designated for road purposes within the incorporated cities and villages in St. Joseph County, Michigan, and to improve, repair, and maintain existing local roads within the townships in St. Joseph County. The St. Joseph County Road Commission, with the portion it receives, appropriates it first to the townships on a need basis countywide to maintain all the local roads within the townships.
Constantine | Mottville |
Fabius | Nottawa |
Fawn River | Park |
Florence | Sherman |
Flowerfield | Sturgis |
Leonidas | White Pigeon |
The Road Commission is prohibited by law from entering into contracts with private groups or individuals for road improvement or maintenance. Contact your township for information on dust control material application on gravel roads. Special signs or work on private roads must be done on a contractual basis with the township.